Everything is flowing at 100%

Everything on the site seems to be working fine, and the system are working… ..so… where are the users? Don’t people want to create a free memorial?

one.com fu**s it up again!

Yesterday, between about 17:00-21:00 CEST the site was down, due to someone at one.com (my webbhotell) fu**ed something up! So this crash was beyond my control, and apparently theirs to! I’m starting to look into other providers, because they have to much downtime and their servers are pretty slow, so if you’re looking for a host, don’t chose one.com!

We’re back – to stay (I hope)

Welcome Back to RainbowPets.org! It’s with great pleasure that we announce RainbowPets.org is once again open and thriving, thanks to the generous support of our new benefactor, Mr. Larsson. Following a period of downtime after the loss of our previous patron, we are excited to move forward with renewed energy and commitment. We continue our commitment to providing a pure,

We are delayed further..

A Key plugin, is currently not working as it should do, or at least it as it did when we ran the site last time. We’re currently working in cooperation with the plugin author, to solve this, and as soon as it’s solved, we will be opening the site..

The Grand opening date, is today..

April 1, the grand opening date! ..and we’re not finished yet, OF course, there where some last moment issues that arouse, and we decided to fix them first, but we’ll work as fast as we can, and will start up this page as soon as possible..   /The Crew

Restarting rainbowpets.org

We closed rainbowpets.org when the last owner died – Now we got a new “moneyman”, and are rebuilding the site – and guess what?   Everything is still free & Advertisement free!

Updates & fixes

I’ve just finished the mobile pages for the site, and everything should be working as normal. If you see anything that’s not working or look strange, please report it to us…

Are we alone?

We have been running for about 4 months, and have clocked over 40’000 hits.. UNFORTUNATELY, 99.9% of them are boots and other malicious attempts to hack us. And 0 new registered pets But we’re still here, and waiting..
